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I'm making a series of flash episodes and I sadly do not have a mic that I am able to use. So, I would like to ask for the services of others! I need voice actors for different characters.


Living in a plane separate from ours, the Arch Angels walk the human lives that were created by the Higher Council. Acting as the senders of lives, they spend their days watching humans as they go on with their lives. However, one day, their world of peace and quiet was shaken by one girl. Suddenly appearing on their gate to the human world, Aka was taken in by the Arch Angels and asked to work for them.

This story is that of the six Arch Angels and their human friend as they try and progress onwards to an uncertain Future

These are the characters.


A beautiful singer who resides with the Arch Angels. Suddenly appearing there one day without a single memory of her human life, Aka was taken in by Haru, the Second Arch Angel.

Her voice is gentle and she is fairly reserved. Some of her lines consist of the following:

"If its not too much trouble, might I help?"
"I cherish the memories I make with you all."
"Shall I make something?"

-(If you are a singer, you are more possible to get this part)-


The First Arch Angel, a very serious woman, has served the High Council for over 200 years. It has made her bitter. But she has a small soft side towards the young Arch Angel, Kyota. She usually hates the thoughts of fun and would rather work and makes sure that souls are properly taken care of.

Her voice is stern, similar to that of a strict teacher. Some of her lines consist of:

"Now is not the time to play."
"The souls on earth matter more than this silliness."
"I'd prefer if you would pay more attention to your work than that bottle of liquor."


The Second Arch Angel, Haru is a very romantic man, treating everyone in a gentlemanly manner. He is prone to being dragged into Axcess' antics, causing him to get scolded for not rejecting it. He took Aka in, finding the possible things that could happen to be interesting.

His voice is that of a gentleman, similar to Tamaki in certain occasions, only without the father complex. Some of his lines are:

"My, what an interesting thing."
"Really, you are much too high-strung."
"You should put that down."


Axcess is the loudest and most fun loving of the Arch Angels. Unlike Haru and Aria, he prefers to be lively and move around, known to actually start dancing and singing sometimes when working. He is also prone to drinking alcohol when he gets exhausted with too much work. Which leads to Aria blowing a gasket. However, the Arch Angel is very knowledgeable, even if he doesn't act it.

Axcess' voice is strong-willed, making him the happy member of the group. His lines are usually:

"Hey! Who wants wine~?"
"You so funny!"
"Hey, what is life without a little bit of fun, am I right?"


Xamu is the near silent Arch Angel, often working or forced to join. Of course, he usually never gives protest. However, if they get to loud, the Arch angel will speak up, making them all become quiet. Xamu is one of the youngest Arch Angels, along side with Kyota.

His voice is very calm and soft, but powerful. He won't raise it often. His lines are usually:

"Please don't drag me into your fun..."


Lina is an Arch Angel who is often cleaning up the mess of the other Arch Angel, making sure the offices are tidy and in order and that everyone gets their work for the day. She is lacking confidence, not sure sometimes of her decisions. Axcess teases her about it often. She likes to help others, but when Axcess and Haru start going into "Party Mode", she becomes panicked and unsure.

Lina's voice is very shy, even though she is an Arch Angel. Some of her lines are:

"P-Please stop that!"
"Ah! Oh no!!"
"Please stop messing around and do your work..."


The youngest Arch Angel, Kyota is a tough boy that believes in the saying "Treat others like they treat you." He never acts high and mighty, though gets overconfident sometimes. Willing to put his life in danger for any of the Arch Angels, he often gets forced to do paper work while Aria and Lina are trying to make Axcess and Haru stop their silliness. He is willing to do what he must, even if he doesn't like it and it bothers him.

Kyota's voice is leveled, though it is very human like to a 14 or 15 year old boy. Some of his lines are:

"Is this really safe?"
"Oh, don't tell me that..."
"Oh High Council, you owe me for making me do all this!!"

How to get a possible part

Send your vocal clips or lines to my Yahoo, neo_arcadia@yahoo.com, and I will review them. If you don't get a lead like these, you could become a High Council member or be a spirit that comes to the Arch Angel during send offs.

I really need voice actors!! If you have friends who have mics, ask them to try it too! I need people! Thank you~

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